SME Financing: OCBC and Sesami Unveil Swift Invoice Solutions

SME Financing : Sesami and OCBC have teamed up to offer quick invoice financing to small and medium-sized businesses. SMEs that work with the government and use InvoiceNow on the e-procurement stage, which Sesami runs, will experience a new era of financial flexibility. This is because they are combining advanced technologies and financial knowledge. This change, which will happen in October, will simplify getting loan approvals on the same day. OCBC’s creative minds manage the world of digital invoice financing, making it possible.

The teamwork between Sesami, a successful company in the business-to-business procurement industry, and OCBC, a famous name in the finance world, is like a perfect harmony of working together. Sesame is the biggest service provider on the InvoiceNow network, and OCBC is a famous name in the finance world. The outcome of this performance, which is well-balanced, can be heard throughout the halls of innovation and financial smarts.

Over 55,000 small and medium-sized businesses in the InvoiceNow network had a good quarter. Many have chosen to work with Sesami, a company that helps with business transactions. Sesami, OCBC, and some small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) all got together and announced. They even put it in a press statement that they all shared. This is the core of a strong relationship when it comes to both technology and money.

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are the ones who benefit the most from this new and exciting opportunity. Come on in and get approved for financing on the same day! We’re offering businesses the chance to experience financial freedom with up to 90% of the payment amount. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) no longer have to deal with the usual problems of paperwork and government obstacles. They don’t have to send in bank records or complicated financial reports.

SME Financing
OCBC Bank Creative Minds Manage the World Of Digital invoice financing

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As credit quality is evaluated changes, it learns more from financial data in e-invoices instead of lots of paperwork. Innovation is like a concert, where the digital pulse of transactions becomes the beat that measures trustworthiness.

Eric Ong, who works at OCBC as the person responsible for SME embedded finance and middle market and services in global commercial banking, really understands this evolving model. He’s good at what he does. He says, “Getting money on time to help small businesses with their money flow is one of the most common issues they deal with.” This is a really strong way to explain why this relationship exists.

When October starts, small and medium-sized businesses that use digital invoice financing are buzzing with excitement. They’re all about being fast, creative, and having control over their money. Sesame and OCBC’s creative minds worked together to make this scene.

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