Saudi Arabia Hydrogen Highway: Hyundai Leads the Charge

Saudi Arabia Hydrogen Highway: In a strategic move, Hyundai Motor has inked a multifaceted agreement for a hydrogen-focused venture in Saudi Arabia. This memorandum of understanding, forged during President Yoon Suk Yeol‘s diplomatic visit, brings together key players including the Korea Automotive Technology Institute (Katech), Air Products Qudra, and the Saudi Public Transport Company (Saptco).

The overarching goal? To establish a robust hydrogen ecosystem in Saudi Arabia and, in the process, catalyze the widespread adoption of hydrogen mobility.

This partnership entails various endeavors, including the trial operation of hydrogen fuel cell buses, the creation of an integrated hydrogen mobility ecosystem, and an exploration of governmental support programs within the hydrogen mobility sector.

Hyundai has committed to providing hydrogen-powered vehicles to Saptco, while Katech will play a pivotal role in facilitating the participation of Korean companies in hydrogen projects across Saudi Arabia, in addition to collating valuable data from the test runs of hydrogen-fueled buses.

Saudi Arabia Hydrogen Highway

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Air Products Qudra, a joint venture between industrial gas supplier Air Products and Saudi energy startup Qudra Energy, is set to take charge of securing and establishing a comprehensive hydrogen supply chain within Saudi Arabia. This encompasses everything from hydrogen production to distribution, refueling, and the operation of hydrogen refueling stations.

Saptco, Saudi Arabia’s state-owned bus company responsible for bus operations in cities like Riyadh and Mecca, will actively collect and share data related to hydrogen mobility operations. Furthermore, it is gearing up to transition its fleet toward hydrogen-powered alternatives, with Hyundai Motor serving as its strategic partner in this transformative journey.

This agreement falls in line with Saudi Arabia’s ambitious vision to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2060, as outlined in its Saudi Vision 2030, which seeks to reduce its reliance on traditional fossil fuels. In this grand sustainability scheme, hydrogen takes center stage, promising a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Our Reader’s Queries

What is Saudi Arabia’s hydrogen target?

Saudi Arabia is aiming to become a top producer and exporter of clean hydrogen with its National Hydrogen Strategy. The goal is to produce 4 million tonnes of this eco-friendly fuel annually. This ambitious plan is set to make the country a leader in the hydrogen industry.

Which country is leading in hydrogen fuel?

China boasts the highest number of hydrogen fuel stations globally, with a whopping 250 operational hydrogen refueling stations as of April 2022.

How much is hydrogen in Saudi Arabia?

A recent study by KAPSARC revealed that the cost of producing blue and green hydrogen in Saudi Arabia is estimated to be $1.34 and $2.16 per kilogram, respectively. This study highlights the potential of natural gas as a source for hydrogen production in the country. With these cost-effective methods, Saudi Arabia can further explore the use of hydrogen as a clean energy source and reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.

What is the green hydrogen strategy in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is aiming to take the lead in low-carbon hydrogen production, with a target of producing around 4 million tonnes by 2030 as part of the Saudi Green Initiative 2021. This puts the country at the forefront of a global push towards sustainable hydrogen development.

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