Panama Copper Mine Dispute Shakes Global Markets

Panama Copper Mine Dispute: Panama’s recent actions, which could potentially lead to the annulment of a contract for one of the world’s largest copper mines through a referendum and proposed law, have sent shockwaves through the global investment community and dealt a severe blow to First Quantum Minerals’ market value, erasing about 40% of its worth.

On Thursday, lawmakers abandoned their efforts to nullify the contract through legislation. Meanwhile, a proposed bill aimed at determining the contract’s fate, signed by First Quantum and the Panamanian government, via a December referendum, is currently stuck in Congressional proceedings. As a result, the destiny of the contract now rests with the country’s highest court.

Panama’s actions have raised significant concerns about global copper supplies, particularly since Cobre Panama represents approximately 1% of the world’s copper output. This $10 billion copper mine plays a crucial role in the production of electric vehicles.

First Quantum, a Canadian company, expressed confidence in its legal position in Panama on Friday.

Let’s delve into some key questions surrounding Panama’s recent moves:

What is the Dispute About?

The dispute dates back to 2017 when Panama’s top court ruled that the law under which First Quantum was operating the mine was unconstitutional. First Quantum inherited the contract when it replaced Petaquilla Gold as the operator of the mine in 2013. Challenges against the court’s decision were rejected, and the ruling was upheld in 2021.

This forced the company to initiate negotiations for a new deal with the government. The new contract, agreed upon on October 20, granted First Quantum a 20-year mining right with an option to extend for another 20 years in exchange for $375 million in annual revenue for Panama. While the government contends that the new contract offers improved terms compared to the previous one, Panamanian protesters have voiced their disagreement.

Panama Copper Mine Dispute

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What Are the Protesters’ Demands?

Protesters argue that the contract is overly favorable to the Canadian miner and have raised allegations of corruption. They also express concerns about environmental risks associated with the mine and are demanding the annulment of the contract and a prohibition on all new mining projects.

What Happens Next?

Panama’s government permitted the miner to continue operations while negotiations for the disputed contract were underway. The government has not provided clarity on the consequences if the contract is revoked. While lawmakers recently passed a bill prohibiting new mining concessions, it does not impact the Cobre Panama mine, which already holds a concession.

However, the mine’s future could be affected by this ban since the bill forbids renewing and extending concessions. If the top court deems the contract unconstitutional, the miners’ operations could also face disruptions, potentially leading to a shutdown or new contract negotiations. Panama’s government has not disclosed whether it is considering nationalizing the mine.

What Are Local Experts Saying?

Local experts suggest that allowing the country’s highest court to rule on the contract’s validity is the most prudent approach to resolving ongoing disputes. This is because unilaterally terminating the contract through legislation could trigger international arbitration, as it would be viewed as a breach of contract by the Panamanian government. Panama’s top court is slated to hear various challenges against the contract in the coming days.

These developments in Panama have cast a cloud of uncertainty over the future of one of the world’s major copper mines, leaving investors and stakeholders on edge. The decision by Panama’s highest court will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in determining the outcome of this complex situation.

Our Reader’s Queries

What is the problem with the Panama mine?

The mine has been a point of contention for environmentalists who argue that it is causing destruction in a biodiverse jungle area and depleting the local water supply. However, the situation escalated in October when Panama’s Congress passed a law approving a new contract with First Quantum, sparking mass protests.

What is the mining dispute in Panama?

Panama’s Supreme Court has made a groundbreaking decision by declaring the legislation that granted a Canadian copper mine a 20-year concession as unconstitutional. This ruling has been welcomed by thousands of Panamanian activists who had been protesting against the project, citing concerns about the damage it would cause to a forested coastal area and the threat it posed to the water supply. This decision is a significant victory for the environment and the people of Panama.

Why might Panama cancel a copper mine contract?

Suntracs, the country’s primary labor union, is leading a group of protesters who claim that the contract with the Canadian miner is excessively favorable and that corruption is involved. They also contend that the mine poses environmental hazards and are calling for the contract to be nullified and a prohibition on all new mining ventures.

Who owns the copper mine in Panama?

The Cobre mine, located in Panama, is owned by First Quantum Minerals. The company acquired the mine in 2013 and has since been operating it. For more information, visit their website at

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