Xiaomi Fires Back: Denies Patent Infringement Accusations by Huawei

Xiaomi Fires Back: In the ongoing rivalry between Chinese smartphone titans Huawei and Xiaomi, tensions escalated recently when Huawei’s senior executive, Yu Chengdong, accused rival firms of not fully respecting patents, specifically referencing a technology he dubbed “dragon bone.” Although Yu did not explicitly mention Xiaomi, it was widely interpreted as a targeted critique, especially since Xiaomi had promoted its “dragon bone” hinge technology during the launch of the Xiaomi MIX Fold 3.

Responding to these accusations, Xiaomi took a strong stance, asserting that its hinge technology was developed entirely independently. In a statement, Xiaomi called out Yu to adhere to “basic scientific and rigorous standards” and urged him to refrain from unfairly criticizing competitors or misguiding the public in the future. Xiaomi also highlighted that its patent had additional components compared to the one referenced by Yu. Furthermore, Xiaomi clarified that the patent Yu mentioned wasn’t made public until June 2021, several months after Xiaomi had already disclosed details about its “dragon bone” technology.

Xiaomi Fires Back

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This latest clash in the ongoing competition between Xiaomi and Huawei underscores the fierce battle for supremacy in China’s smartphone market. Both companies have intensified their efforts, particularly in the lucrative high-end segment, as they strive to outdo each other in terms of innovation and technological advancements.

The history of disputes between Xiaomi and Huawei isn’t new. In 2018, the two companies engaged in a public spat over smartphone camera specifications, with barbs exchanged between Huawei’s Yu Chengdong and Xiaomi’s CEO Lei Jun. This pattern of public disagreements reflects the competitive landscape of the Chinese smartphone industry, where major players vie for market share and technological leadership. As the battle continues, observers are keenly watching for further developments and innovations from both Xiaomi and Huawei in this dynamic and rapidly evolving market.

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