US Homelessness Hits Record High: A Stark Wake-Up Call to Tackle Housing Crisis

US Homelessness Hits Record: According to a recent yearly study from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, homelessness in the US has reached a record high. Compared to last year, the homeless population increased by 12%, or 70,650 people.

In this snapshot, taken on a single night in January, over 650,000 people found themselves without stable housing, marking the highest figure since data collection began in 2007. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge, while acknowledging some progress, emphasized the urgency of sustained support for proven solutions and strategies, asserting, “Homelessness is solvable and should not exist in the United States.”

The rise in homelessness impacted diverse communities, with communities of color bearing a disproportionate burden. Black individuals, constituting 13% of the U.S. population, accounted for 37% of the homeless population and 50% of those experiencing homelessness within families with children. The Asian or Asian American population experienced a significant 40% increase in homelessness between 2022 and 2023, adding 3,313 more individuals to the unhoused category.

Latinos witnessed the largest numerical growth, with a 28% increase, contributing to 55% of the total upswing in U.S. homelessness. This translated to an additional 39,106 Latinos without housing in 2023. The survey also shed light on a notable surge in first-time homelessness. Between fiscal years 2021 and 2022, the number of individuals becoming newly homeless rose by 25%, while those successfully transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing increased by 8%, according to the HUD report.

US Homelessness Hits Record

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Several factors contributed to this alarming trend. Escalating rent over recent years played a pivotal role, with the national median asking rent remaining 22% higher than pre-pandemic levels in November 2019. Additionally, the gradual conclusion of pandemic protections and eviction prevention programs in 2022 may have exacerbated homelessness in the early months of 2023.

The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities’ Vice President for Housing and Income Security, Peggy Bailey, stressed the need to bridge the gap between low incomes and rent expenses, which causes homelessness. Bailey emphasized spreading successful solutions to a wider demographic.

In the year following the HUD count, the administration has taken significant steps to curb homelessness, including the Housing Supply Action Plan resulting in a record number of apartments being built. HUD’s recent announcement indicates assistance provided to over 424,000 households to connect with homeless support services, exit homelessness, or prevent it altogether in 2023. The Veterans Administration has also made strides, housing more than 38,000 homeless veterans. As the nation grapples with this crisis, the call for comprehensive and effective solutions grows louder.

Our Reader’s Queries

What is the record for homelessness in the United States?

The number of homeless individuals in the United States has hit an all-time high, with over 653,000 people affected in the early months of this year. This surge in homelessness comes as Covid-19 pandemic-aid spending has dwindled, according to recent federal data.

What is the highest homeless rate in the US?

The states with the highest rates of homelessness in the US are California, Vermont, and Oregon, according to recent data. A bar chart displaying the number of homeless individuals per 100,000 in each state reveals that DC has the highest rate at 656, followed by California at 439, Vermont at 429, and Oregon at 424. In contrast, Mississippi and Virginia have the lowest rates at 41 and 2, respectively. These statistics highlight the urgent need for effective solutions to address homelessness in the US.

When did homelessness peak in America?

During the 1980s and 1990s, the US government estimated that between 200,000 and 500,000 Americans were homeless. While some federal initiatives were put in place to address the issue, there were no specific programs dedicated to homelessness within the Office of Management and Budget.

What city has the highest homeless population 2023?

According to the 2023 count, a significant number of homeless individuals reside in major cities. Shockingly, almost 25% of the country’s homeless population can be found in just two cities – New York City and Los Angeles. This highlights the urgent need for effective solutions to address homelessness in urban areas.

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