Tech Industry Downturn: Impact on New York’s Economy

Tech Industry Downturn: Lately, the technology industry has been the main reason why New York’s economy is doing so well. It has helped create lots of really good jobs that pay a lot of money and made the office spaces bigger. This growth not only boosted tax revenues but also positioned New York as a formidable rival to the tech hub of the San Francisco Bay Area. Also, the tech industry was really important in helping the city when things got tough, like during the pandemic and the big money problem in 2008.

But stuff has really changed, and now the technology industry is going through a tough time, which makes it hard to know what will happen to New York’s economy.

Lots of problems caused big tech companies to fire a lot of people. Since the start of 2022, ove 386,000 workers all across the country have lost their jobs, according to, a website that keeps track of the tech industry.

Also, because more people are working from home, these companies are giving up lots of office space, which is having a big effect on tech centers all over the country. San Francisco has taken the brunt of this downturn, suffering from a staggering 25.6 percent office vacancy rate, as per Newmark Research. New York is doing pretty well, with a vacancy rate of 13.5 percent in Manhattan. But it can’t just count on the tech industry to keep growing. Around 22 million square feet of office space in Manhattan is available for subletting. A big chunk of this space comes from technology, advertising, and media companies, as Newmar says.

Tech Industry Downturn

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Meta, the big company that owns Facebook and Instagram, is getting rid of a lot of its office space in Manhattan. They had to let go of about m1,700 workers this year, which is a quarter of all the people they employ in New York State. The company has decided against renewing leases covering 250,000 square feet in Hudson Yards and 200,000 square feet on Park Avenue

Even major players like Spotify and Roku are looking to sublet portions of their leased office spaces. Spotify wants to rent out five of the floors it rented six years ago in the World Trade Center. Meanwhile, Roku wants to rent out a quarter of the space it got in Times Square last year. Twitter, Microsoft, and others Tech companies are trying to rent out their extra office spaces.

This significant downturn in the tech industry has raised concerns and questions about the future of New York’s economic landscape.

As big tech companies come together and figure out how to deal with problems, we don’t know yet how the city’s economy will change and become more varied to keep growing after the pandemic.

Our Reader’s Queries

Is the tech industry in decline?

The tech industry, once considered invincible, has faced a harsh reality in the past year. According to, a website that monitors job cuts in the industry, over 400,000 employees were laid off globally in 2022 and 2023. This staggering number highlights the significant impact of the industry’s struggles.

Is there a recession in tech industry?

Tech workers who have always had job security due to the high demand for their skills are facing challenging times. However, the ‘tech recession’ is mostly over, despite recent layoffs in big tech. This is good news for those in the industry.

Is tech downturn over?

Despite widespread concerns about a potential recession, it appears that major tech companies have managed to curb the wave of layoffs that characterized the latter half of 2022 and early 2023. While executives in other industries remain apprehensive, the tech giants have shown signs of stability in their workforce.

Are more tech layoffs coming 2023?

In 2023, the tech industry saw a significant increase in job losses with 261,997 workers being laid off, compared to 164,969 in 2022. The number of companies that laid off employees also rose, with 1,061 tech companies doing so in 2023, surpassing the total for 2022 and even the combined total for 2020 and 2021. This trend highlights the challenges faced by the tech industry in recent years.

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